Reflective Window Technology
Dual reflective and metallic window films are options to consider when privacy is of utmost importance to you. These window films are designed to have a reflective mirror effect so that those outside of your window can’t see in but rather find a reflection of their own selves. Outsiders can’t see into your room, boat, car, office or whatever other space you need privacy in. From the inside, however, there is a neutral finishing layer to prevent reflective glares or vision impairment. You can see right through these window films while keeping your privacy protected.
The nano-technology is a patented formula that utilizes layers of thin ceramic films to perform a high glare and heat rejection. The nano-ceramic film is dye and metal free, which prevents fading and discoloration over time, so you won’t have to worry about how your window film will be affected from overexposure in the sun. Orlando Window Film’s nano-ceramic film comes with a confident warranty to reassure you. The window film has been proven against weathering and fades from lab tests and quality control. The hard coating of these reflective window films also protect your windows against scratches and other physical damages.
Opaque window films provide protection from both angles, peering from the both outside and inside. Such window films will remove visibility for those who wish to share a window but keep each other’s privacy respected.